
Showing posts from April, 2018

What Exactly Is The Role Of Irrigation In Agriculture?

Irrigation is of value especially for communities that could be facing the effects of drought.  It is defined as the artificial application of water to soil, in the appropriate amounts and frequency, to cause optimal soil infiltration and plant growth.  The conditions to take into consideration are soil type, vegetation, size of the area to be irrigated, water pressure, and local circumstances.  Image source: The increase in agricultural production and productivity is highly dependent on the availability of water.  Insufficient, inconsistent, and uncertain rain is causing unpredictability in agriculture.  In some parts of the world, rain is restricted to only a few months in a year, and there are times when these rains don’t come as expected, causing areas of the country to experience drought.  Irrigation assists in effectively controlling drought and famine.  In irrigated lands, a higher rate of productivity is experienced as c...

Top tips for a truly fun-filled gardening hobby

Whether you’re a beginner or have been into gardening for quite some time, you’d surely benefit from the tips below. Here are ways to make the hobby more worthwhile and fun.  Image source: One is do your gardening with others . In other words, don’t go solo; share the fruits of your labor and knowledge with a neighbor, friend, or family member. Gardening is a great way to start a conversation. Discussing plants and meth0ds of refining garden techniques with others will regain our connectedness with others. This is especially beneficial in these times of social media and the internet. Speak with people; build friendships and enjoy the hobby more.  On a more practical sense, you could write down your plan for your garden for the new year . Consider what you grew the previous one and make little, more adventurous adjustments. And not only in crop type and variety; writing down your plan can lead you to finally getting that new gardening tool, n...